Tidal Prism (“Hyperlight” 2 AM Tapes, 2010)
Kane Pour Wasp In The Silver Orbitstream (side a excerpt) (“Wasp In The Silver Orbitstream” Rotifer, 2010)
Cascaders Lifetimes (“Cascaders” no label, 2010)
Jouurney Dbrin Delphinidae (“Dancers In The Time Flux” Digitalis Ltd., 2010)
Charlatan Lost In Bubbles (“Romances” Tranquility Tapes, 2010)
Shark Flakes From Love With Rushia (side a excerpt) (“From Love With Rushia” Taped Sounds, 2009)
Chrome Wings Wave Life (“Time Patterns” Stunned, 2010)
Auk Theatre Monster Auk (“Mudboy / Auk Theatre Split” Dutch Beer, 2006)
Nautilus White Diamond Flies Low #1 (“White Diamond Flies Low” Lotus Birth, 2010)
Nonhorse Subtle Revenge (tape one side a excerpt) (“Subtle Revenge” NNA Tapes, 2010)
Orphan Fairytail Neverending Waves (side a excerpt) (“Neverending Waves” Taped Sounds, 2010)
Panabrite Peering Into The Dust (“Wizard Chimes” Gift Tapes, 2010)
Dylan Ettinger Gordons Theme (“New Age Outlaws” Not Not Fun, 2010)