Zonotope™ Communictions (“Zero Gravity” Hobo Cult Records, 2011)
Spare Death Icon Survival (“Survival” Gift Tapes, 2011)
Motion Sickness Of Time Travel Telepathy (“Seeping Through The Veil Of The Unconscious” Digitalis Ltd., 2010)
Love Cult Untitled A2 (“Love Cult / Tempera Split” Stunned, 2011)
Nite Lite Marjorie III (“Marjorie / The Good Heart” Stunned, 2011)
Je Suis Le Petit Chevalier For The Lips (“Tropical Malady” I Had An Accident Records, 2010)
Autistic Argonauts Schmackofatz II (“Magic Maggi Moments” Hobo Cult Records, 2011)
summerTales Recordings VI (“Recordings/Monuments Stare An Open While” Stunned, 2011)
Eureka Cocoon Cerulean (“Eureka / Black Eagle Split” Stunned, 2011)
Eagle Chalice Dolphins On The Dancefloor (“Infinite Altitude” Digitalis Ltd., 2011)
Pedro Magina Kickflip (“Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five” Not Not Fun, 2011)
Tempera Untitled B2 (“Love Cult / Tempera Split” Stunned, 2011)
Ssaliva Crayola (“Thought Has Wings” Leaving Records, 2011)