(Markus/ August Alle [1918])
Kotka pojad pilve kojad
Kõrgel kaljul jätsid maha
Musta äiksepilve taha
Üle mere üle lahe
Läbi tormi tuule rahe
Tõttes välja äikseilma
Teritades kotkasilma
Kotka pojad pesad soojad
Need ei köida tormilinde
Tuld ja terast ei too rindu
Jäägu pesad kaljupraod
Rasked saod piksemaod
Maha murdev tormilend
See on kotkapoja vend
Sons of eagles left behind
Their halls in the clouds on high cliffs
Behind a black thundercloud
Over the sea, over the bay
Through the tempest, wind and hail
Hastening out to the thunderous weather
Sharpening their eagle’s eyes
Sons of eagles, nests warm
Won’t bind the stormy petrels
Won’t bring fire and steel into their hearts
Leave behind the nests, crevices in cliffs
Heavy rain, thunder worms
A flight in a storm that strikes down
This is the brother of the eagle’s son