Title: Edge
Artist: Wwe
Album: Unknown
encoding: iso-8859-15
You think you know me!
On this day I see clearlyeverything has come to life.
In a place, in a brokendream.
And we'll leave it all, leave it all behind.
On this day its so real to me.
Everything hascome to life.
Another chance to chase a dream.
Anotherchance to feel.
Chance to feel alive.
On this day I see clearlyeverything has come to life.
n a place, in a brokendream.
And we'll leave it all, leave it all behind.
I'llnever long for what might have been.
Regret won'twaste my life again.
I won't look back.
I'llfight to remain:
On this day I see clearly everythinghas come to life.
In a place, in a broken dream.
Andwe'll leave it all behind.
On this day its soreal to me.
Everything has come to life.
Anotherchance to chase a dream.
Another chance to feel.Chance to feel alive.
Fear will kill me, all Icould be.
Lift these sorrows.
Let me breathe, couldyou set me free.
Could you set me free.
On thisday I see clearly everything has come to life.
In a place,in a broken dream.
And we'll leave it all behind.On this day it's so real to me.
Everything has cometo life.
Another chance to chase a dream.
Anotherchance to feel.
Chance to feel alive.