Sadgurunath Maharaj Ki Jay!
Om namah shivaya gurave
Sac-chid-ananda murtaye
Nishprapanchaya shantaya
Niralambaya tejase
Muktanandaya gurave
Namaste chit-sad-atmane
Gururbrahma guruvishnur
Gururdevo maheshwaraha
Guruh sakshat param brahma
Tasmai shrigurave namaha.
Hail to the Master who has revealed the Truth to me!
Om. Salutations to the Guru, who is Shiva! His form is being, consciousness and bliss. He is transcendent, calm, free from all support, and luminous.
Salutations to Muktananda, the Guru, who rescues his disciples from the cycle of birth and death, who has assumed a body to meet the needs of his devotees, and whose nature is consciousness and being.
Salutations to the Guru, who is Brahma, the creator; Vishnu, the sustainer, Shiva, the destroyer; and the manifestation of the supreme absolute.