l0ve me caligin0usly
like a y0ung grub l0st 0ut at sea
y0ur mind p0wers me
y0ure a spiderbitch teen
narcissistic and mean
kill me devi0usly
fill my heart with anguish
then ask me t0 f0rgive what y0uve d0ne
selfish and dumb
n0w y0u aught t0 run
y0ure awful
bully my flarping partner
always think that y0ure smarter
and when y0ur anger sharpens
my hive bec0mes my c0ffin
y0u drain my rust bl00d sl0wly
y0u make me raise s0uls fr0m the dead
must be assemblance 0f dread
that says
0h l0ve me deeeeeaaaaaaad!
l0ve me dead!
y0ure a fake train in f0r the weak
y0ure a bleak schemer using the meat
b0ssy and c0ld
l00ting the g0ld
leave me al0ne!
y0u break so eff0rtlessly
y0ure a lying little psych0
wily spider always spinning a trap
y0u pester me late
with y0ur bullshit and crap
y0ure hide0us
and bitchy!
bully my flarping partner
always think that y0ure smarter
and when y0ur anger sharpens
my hive bec0mes my c0ffin
y0u drain my rust bl00d sl0wly
y0u make me raise s0uls fr0m the dead
must be assemblance 0f dread
that says
0h l0ve me deeeeeaaaaaaad!
l0ve me caligin0usly
*whistles in the same tune*
brra da da da da daa
brra da da da da da!
h0ws y0ur new b0y?!
d0es he kn0w what y0u are
hes just acute fr0m afar
y0ure terrible!
bully my flarping partner
always think that y0ure smarter
and when y0ur anger sharpens
my hive bec0mes my c0ffin
y0u drain my rust bl00d sl0wly
y0u make me raise s0uls fr0m the dead
must be assemblance 0f dread
that says
0h l0ve me deeeeeaaaaaaad!
l0ve me dead!
l0ve meee deeeaaaadd
00h l0ve me deeeaaaaddd
l0000veee meee