The knights of destruction ride through the forests
Exact calculation raises cancellation
Wheelworks of machines paralyze the innocent
Modification of paradise into hell
Into hell
Your entire machinery has become that inhuman that it already seems natural in our eyes consisting of the fact that it has become our second nature it also has become as strange, indifferent and cruel as the nature itself.
Once again the knight rides through the forest but now he has lost himself in the wheelwork of the machines instead of losing hisself in the forest.
You have applied your system of decay in such a large standard...
(...that you are the one who does not know where and when the cancellation will begin within this fact you can notice in which paradoxical way the situation has increased its destructive force as a consequence of a calculation which can be regarded as too exact the circumstances have become incalculable through your force you have chained innocents to the machines in a way that they do not know who will be punished in the end. your destruction becomes that abstract but this cannot calm down my rage...)
...this is my ecorage
In my eyes
Ecorage in my soul
(Ecorage will not let you be the one who will)
Destroy the earth...