:Street Introducing:
Will we disgorging?
From the tears.
Rising birdy.
We don't wanna singing,
but my birdy wanna singing.
Twinkle-Twinkle. Suffocating.
My breakfast is cold, damn!
Everybody dancing.
Rise, Wai-Fhon!
(Wait! I waitin'!)
Rise, fool!
(Forever will waiting!)
Rise, and no matter!
(Still you waiting?)
My dear phone!
(Still you waiting?)
Waiting, i call them!
The Hystory <weee!>.
Rise, cause i call them!
We will feed our fear for morguans.
Breed we breath will burn our sneakers.
Gift that you gave to my flower i learned, yep.
Gift that you gave to my Beetmeen i threw.
:Fishing Skit:
:Street Outro: