In vento cogitatio, spirat in vento
E vacuo lux elucet, lux e vacuo
E somno somnia cre'ta, somnia e somno
In clara umbra creatum versat
In vento spiritus flat, spiritus in vento
In fusco lumen ignescit, lumen in fusco
E somnis verita nata est verita nata
E nihil omnia cre'ta sunt omnia creata
Pel Amar vinya-onant
Feä raniel vilyadessë sira
Lindelë sama calad
Oloriello illuvë onant
Thought blows in the wind, in the wind
Light shines from the void, light from the void
Dreams awaken out of sleep, dreams out of sleep
Creation twirls in a bright shadow
Spirit flows in the wind, spirit in the wind
Light burns in darkness, light in darkness
Truth is born out of dreams; truth is born
All is created out of nothing; all is created
Around the new-born world
Wandering spirit flows in the wind
Music joins light
All is born from a dream
Let it be