Fallen Star
(The House Of The Fallen Star)
You gonna loose before you born.
To find yourself means to return.
The ugly ghost of the putrid world
Will utter thrice that once was told
Lonely stone in chest,
Shivering and bleeding
No chance for rest
Only obscure skies above your head
Darkness found her breed,
Everything is permitted.
Tree grows from the seed,
Every soul has flesh and every man has spirit.
Pendulum swings – brings closer day
When not a particle will stay.
Take a calm deep breath and see the Land of Leal
Forget about everything that bears his seal.
Whither goes thou, whither rivers flow,
After the cold and snow?
The depth of wrinkles can not be plumbed,
The lake of tears we can’t surmount.
Another star
Drowned in the dirt
Echoed in your mind
Like ill-omened chord
He draws the shadow to show – the real Light exist
And this reality is only vague dust in your fist.
You will be touched by unearthly fluff
And ray of gold from sky above
Will lay on heart and will take so far.
All these are signs that you are
On the way
To the House Of The Fallen Star
Omnia mutantur, nihil interit
…Ne absorbent eas tartarus
Straight lines will cross
Day turns to night
Vicious circle will close
Sharpen your sight
This narrow path
Of true existence
Will give a new birth
To the star.
Whither goes thou, whither rivers flow,
After the cold and snow?
The depth of wrinkles can not be plumbed,
The lake of tears we can’t surmount.