14. Noroni bajihie pasahasa Oiada! das tarinuta mireca OL tahila dodasa tolahame caosago homina: das berinu orocahe QUARE: Micama! Bial! Oiad; aisaro toxa das i- vame aai Balatima. Zodacare od Zodameranu! Odo cicale Qaa! Zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada, hoathahe I A I D A.
14. O you sonns of fury, the dowghters of the lust, which sit vppon 24 seats, vexing all creatures of the earth with age, which haue vnder you 1636: behold the Voyce of God, the promys of him which is called amongst you Furye or Extreme Iustice. Moue and shew yor selues: open the Mysteries of yor Creation: be frendely vnto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true wurshipper of the Highest.
14. О вы, Сыны Ярости, Дочери Справедливого! вы восседаете на 24 престолах, и
томите всех тварей земных от века; под вашим началом — 1636 [слуг]. Узрите! голос
Божий: завет Того, кто зовется средь вас Яростью или Последним Судом. Выйдите и
покажитесь! Откройте тайны сотворения вашего! Будьте друзьями мне, ибо я —
Служитель вашего Бога, истинно верный Всевышнему.
14. Noroni Bajihie Pasahasa OiaDa! Das Tarinuta Mireca Ol Tahila Dodasa Tolahame Caosago Homina: Das Berinu Orocahe Quare: Micama! Bial! OiaD; Aisaro Toxa Das I- Vame Aai Balatima. Zodacare OD Zodameranu! Odo Cicale QAA! Zodoreje, Lape Zodiredo Noco Mada, Hoathahe i A i d A.
14. O YOU SONNS OF FURY, THE DOWGHTERS OF THE LUST, WHICH SIT VPPON 24 Seats, Vexing All Creatures of the Earth With Age, Which Haue vnder You 1636: Behold The Voyce Of God, The Promys of Him Which Is Called Amongst You Furye or Extreme Iustice. Moue and SHEW YOR SELUES: Open The Mysteries of Yor Creation: Be Frendely Vnto Me: For I Am The Servant of the Same Your God, The True Wurshipper of the Highest.
14. Oh you, the sons of rage, the daughter is fair! You are seated on 24 thrones, and
Tomit all the creatures of the earth from the century; Under your beginning - 1636 [servants]. Joll! voice
God's: Testament who calls you by rage or last court. Exit I.
Show! Open the secrets of your creation! Be friends to me, for I -
The minister of your God, truly faithful to the Almighty.