Fresche aurette
Dolci fiati or qui spirate
Nuovi canti oggi formate.
Ecco l’Aura,
Che restaura
Ogni spirto, e ’l mondo abbella
Sec oil giorno
Or fa ritorno
E più bel si rinovella.
Non sia Ninfa
In chiara linfa,
Che non esca ai lieti balli
I pastori
In dolci cori
Venghin fuor de’ boschi, è valli.
Nudi ancor venghin gl’Amori
Qui ballando
Alzin cantando Dell’Aurora al Ciel gl’onori.
Fresh flirtatious.
Fresh flirtatious
Sweet breaths you blow this way;
Little birds,
New songs you compose today.
Here is the breeze,
Which restores
All souls, and makes the world lovelier;
With her, the day
Now returns,
And is remade even more beautiful.
There is no nymph
In the clear dew
That is not drawn to the happy dances;
Let shepherds,
In sweet choirs,
Come from the woods and valleys.
Let the sensuous
Naked Cupids come
Dancing here,
And raise in song
Dawn’s praises to the sky.