Русский Ныне отпускаешь раба Твоего, Владыка, по слову Твоему, с миром, ибо видели очи мои спасение Твоё, которое Ты уготовал пред лицом всех народов, свет к просвещению язычников и славу народа Твоего Израиля.
Church Slavonic Now let your slave, Vladyko, in the verb of yours, semi-world; Yako Vyesy's eyes were saved by your own, Yezhu, prepared by the rest of the people, the light in the frank language, and the glory of the people are Israel.
Russian Now you let go of your slave, Lord, according to your word, with the world, for you saw the eyes of my salvation, which you prepared before the face of all nations, the light to educate the pagans and the glory of the people of your Israel.