A churring tribe of insects on the mountainside
Orchestrate a hopeful symphony
The buzzing flows from my fingers to my toes
And strikes a pulse with the rope bridge's sway
One year has passed since i laid her in the grass
Bound by a lantern
The mystic said it would raise her from the dead
Give her a year and a setting sun
My eyes adjust to the velvet touch of dusk
The trail ahead exhales a pinpoint flame
Here comes my wife from the other side of life
Dripping lace as the rope bridge sways
Her lantern light, so comfoting this night
One year I've waited
To see her dress glow a midnight shillouette
Soft, aching angel broke by life.
As the rope bridge sways
Through decaying summer days
Secret hands of blood and ice
sway the bridge into the night
As the rope bride sways
The burns are gone from her face
Forbidden measures brought her up
But God gave the will to love.
Tra la la la la la.