1 Живы=й в по=мощи Вы=шняго, в кро=ве Бо=га Небе=снаго водвори=тся. 2 Рече=т Го=сподеви: Засту=пник мой еси= и Прибе=жище мое=, Бог мой, и упова=ю на Него=. 3 Я=ко Той изба=вит тя от се=ти ло=вчи, и от словесе= мяте=жна, 4 плещма= Свои=ма осени=т тя, и под криле= Его наде=ешися: ору=жием обы=дет тя и=стина Его. 5 Не убои=шися от стра=ха нощна=го, от стрелы= летя=щия во дни, 6 от ве=щи во тме преходя=шия, от сря=ща, и бе=са полу=деннаго. 7 Паде=т от страны= Твоея= ты=сяща, и тма одесну=ю Тебе=, к Тебе= же не прибли=жится, 8 оба=че очи=ма Твои=ма смо=триши, и воздая=ние гре=шников у=зриши. 9 Я=ко Ты, Го=споди, упова=ние мое=, Вы=шняго положи=л еси= прибе=жище Твое=. 10 Не прии=дет к Тебе= зло, и ра=на не прибли=жится телеси= Твоему=, 11 я=ко Ангелом Свои=м запове=сть о Тебе=, сохрани=ти тя во всех путе=х твои=х. 12 На рука=х во=змут тя, да не когда= преткне=ши о ка=мень но=гу твою=, 13 на а=спида и васили=ска насту=пиши, и попере=ши льва и зми=я. 14 Я=ко на Мя упова=, и изба=влю и=: покры=ю и=, я=ко позна= и=мя Мое=. 15 Воззове=т ко Мне, и услы=шу его: с ним есмь в ско=рби, изму= его, и просла=влю его, 16 долгото=ю дний испо=лню его, и явлю= ему спасе=ние Мое=. Alive 1 = d in = power on you = shnyaga in Cro = ve Bo = n = heaven dwelt Snug = ed. Rece 2 = m = Guo spodevi: Stagnation = pnik my Thou and profit = = = zhische my, my God, and trusting in Him = w =. 3 I = to = vit That hut cha from ce = ti lo = HFI, and from the words of mint = = zhna 4 pleschma = = ma Its autumn = t cha, and under His Nadia krill = = eshisya: yell = zhiem Oba = children and cha = Springsteen him. 5 = Not slaughters shisya from Stra = ha = th night, from flying arrows = = schiya in the days, from 6 = ve soup in darkness transient = Shiya, from srya = conductive, and Be = ca = dennago floor. 7 Pade = m on the country = = you = Thy syascha and TMA right hand = w = Thee, Thee = not approximate zhitsya = 8 = both eyes Th = ma = ma Your QS = Trichet and reward of Gre = = Schnick y = seest. 9 = I to you, Go = rd, trusting of my = = = You put shnyaga = l = Priebe Thou Thy zhische = =. 10 = Not Priya children to You = evil, and not for pa = approximation = = Your zhitsya Teles = 11, I = angel to His commandments m = = = st of Thee, save = ti thee in all thy way = x = x . On hand 12 = x = zmut in thee, lest at any time pretkne = = = o ka shi Men but gu = your = 13 for a = AIDS = Vasili ska crust = write, and Popper = shi lion and PHI = I. I = 14 to Mn on the UPOV = and = hut and vlyu = veil of = w = and I = to = and cognition on me = = My. 15 = t cry to me, and usly = shu him with it in the am MSE = RBI ism = it, and had the reputation of his vlyu = 16 Longitude = w = lnyu dny-used him, and show him the Savior = = = of my . | |