Spell color with a "u"
Use "From my point of view"
Please, mind the use of "few"
There are two "m"s in "comma"
Fight the urge to say things like
"Umm, well, basically"and "like"
Also note: I bear dislike
Towards iPads and the like
Why would present simple seem so complicated?
As for the homework I should like that text translated
Oh, all we're asking for's a "4"
All we're asking for's a "4"
On a second thought, though,
We would really like to learn some more
Complex object we adore
Deadpan jokes by Thomas More
Precious bits of knowledge
We would really love to learn some more
Herzlich danken wir Sie
Im Deutsch schreiben isn't easy
Lehren ist viel schwerer
Entschuldigen Sie bitte den Fehler!
Vielen Dank für Ihrem Mut
Und Ihrer Engelsgeduld
Auf Wiedersehen!
Vielen, vielen, vielen, vielen Dank!
Vielen Dank für Ihrem Mut
Und Ihrer Engelsgeduld
Auf Wiedersehen!
Thank you, thank you, vielen, vielen Dank!