A step beyond blue but not clinically depressed,
the sweet isn't as sweet as it used to be.
I'm scared I won't enjoy what comes out of this,
but I'll be glad that it'll be over, as long as I am older.
I forget the worth of growing and that living is a process.
No one really leaves but no one ever stays either.
I've been basing my decisions too much on your opinions.
Everyone around me seems to have their life figured out.
Forfeit myself to a lost cause.
Forget myself and who I was.
I've earned back the value of all my previous actions,
and I don't feel ashamed at all for who I've been.
I still worry about the future or where I'll be in ten years,
but I'm consciously striving for a life well spent.
I'm feeling OK about spending time alone.
Try forgetting and moving on.
To commit this to memory.
To feel deserving of all of this.