Fall to your knees, accomplishing nothing. Fall to your knees, only to exercise your schedule. Abandon calendar.
What has come with such preaching is loneliness. Profit: zero. Achievement: zero.
Forward can't be stopped. It just goes to show that some words are useless. Take all your medals, take all your ribbons, Take all your awards, take them back to the ground.
Our youth is lost; A product of the created circumstances. All I can say is "Maybe." This is what I've been expecting all along. Now's the time of weakness, now's the time of blood. Perhaps even the whole-hearted had wished for this. Now's the time of weakness, now's the time of blood, And still the time of lions. Push everything, force everything. We've all sung of the end, but who truly understands it? All along.
Forward can't be stopped, It just goes to show that some words are useless. Take all your medals, take all your ribbons, Take all your awards, take them back to the ground.
Падаете на колени, не достигая ничего. Падаете на колени, только чтобы выполнить ваш план. Прекращаете летоисчисление.
То, что шло с таким проповедованием, является одиночеством. Прибыль: ноль. Достижение: ноль.
Продвижение вперед не может быть остановлено. Это только происходит, чтобы показать, что некоторые слова бесполезны. Возьмите все свои медали, возьмите все свои ленты, Возьмите все свои вознаграждения, верните их праотцам.
Наша юность потеряна; Продукт созданных обстоятельств. Все, что я могу сказать это "Возможно". Это - то, чего я ждал все время. Теперь время слабости, теперь время крови. Возможно, я даже искреннее желал этого. Теперь время слабости, теперь время крови, И, тем не менее, время львов. Вышвырните все, примините силу ко всему. Мы все пели до конца, но кто действительно понимает это? Все время.
Продвижение вперед не может быть остановлено. Это только происходит, чтобы показать, что некоторые слова бесполезны. Возьмите все свои медали, возьмите все свои ленты, Возьмите все свои вознаграждения, верните их праотцам. Fall to your knees, accomplishing nothing. Fall to your knees, only to exercise your schedule. Abandon calendar.
What has come with such preaching is loneliness. Profit: zero. Achievement: zero.
Forward can not be stopped. It just goes to show that some words are useless. Take all your medals, take all your ribbons, Take all your awards, take them back to the ground.
Our youth is lost; A product of the created circumstances. All I can say is & quot; Maybe. & Quot; This is what I've been expecting all along. Now's the time of weakness, now's the time of blood. Perhaps even the whole-hearted had wished for this. Now's the time of weakness, now's the time of blood, And still the time of lions. Push everything, force everything. We've all sung of the end, but who truly understands it? All along.
Forward can not be stopped, It just goes to show that some words are useless. Take all your medals, take all your ribbons, Take all your awards, take them back to the ground.
Des Moines
Falls to his knees, accomplishing nothing. Falls to his knees, only to execute your plan. Stop chronology.
What went on with preaching is loneliness. Profit: zero. Achievement: zero.
The way forward can not be stopped. It just happens to show that some words are useless. Take all your medals, take all your tapes, Take all of your reward, return their forefathers.
Our youth is lost; The product created by circumstances. All I can say is & quot; possible & quot ;. This is - what I've been waiting all the time. Now is the time of weakness, now is the time of blood. Maybe I even sincerely wish that. Now is the time of weakness, now is the time blood And yet, while the lions. Throw everything flattening force anything. We all sang to the end, but who really understands it? All the time.
The way forward can not be stopped. It just happens to show that some words are useless. Take all your medals, take all your tapes, Take all of your reward, return their forefathers. Смотрите также: | |