Stars shine bright
Above my road
Silent night
Becomes a roar
In the end
There is no peace
Just a highway
Spins my wheels
Like a lightning
Tears the sky
My Chopper's rushing
Through the night
Crocodile crackings
Potholes and ruts
Follow them right
But you won't catch us
Off the highway!
Abyss is waiting
For those on a car
I can reach anything
No matter how far
Filler, I want to swim in benzene
Make me become one with machine
Shout, sissy bars
Make steal chains clank
So sound drum-drummers
From hell-heating tank!
Off the highway!
And every day
Ape hanger in hands
Will it be Captain,
Or Billy, who cares!
It's not about frames
Not about fenders
It's all for the wind
That doesn't know what means tender
The only gasoline
That I really mean
Is my fiery blood
That runs through my heart!
Off the highway!
Off the highway!