Умытылмас 5 жылымыз
Естен кетпес кундеримиз
Ал енди лицейменен
Коштаскалы биз турмыз
Окиништи-ак кадиринди билмедик ,кешир
Алгысымыз биздин олшеусиз саган
Рахмет лицейим
We're laughing we were crying
We're falling we were flying
We didnt realise we grew up too soon
We were passing, we were failing
And there is no regretingшлюзін
Wish we could go back to all those past days
We gotta go
We will be missing you but time cant be returned
We gotta leave
But We will keep you in our hearts
Hakkisi òdenmeyen
ablalar ve hocalarim
Tesekkür ederiz
yaptiginiz her seye
Butun dunya sirlarini actiniz bize
Ayirmasin mevlam bizi sizden
Sonsuza kadar
Dont know if i can forget
Very first time that we met
No matter how much time will pass
These 5 years of our lifes
Were lived with no sense of time
But how we make it back again