destroyed person
the gone human
the sore wealth
of experience
builds a temple of skulls
to the god of war
violent pleasures
being human
refusal of confession
the ground is hot
the rats are leaving
rot in the walls of babel
the fire sculptures
dispirit curse, torpid man
the concluding dithyramb:
we near the end
the tour of worship
BURN rusting hulk
the towering warship
pillars of smoke
towers of silence
the fire sculptures
the altar of bone
of kyknos; of glycon
seed death into the ground
seeds of the great fear
a refusal of confession
the black painting
the church of skulls
a temple of worms
apocatastasis now
we near the end
the things we have build are so excellent to destroy
destroy it all
restore it all
destroy it all
restore it all