Methodically promoting the bearers of Teutonic origin
Revolt the physical and spiritual decay
The Descent of Man as the master guide
Using science to implement genocide
Compulsory sterilization of the mentally weak
The alcoholic, the insane and the unpurged
Obeying eugenic laws. Influence the breeding.
Invalidate the Oath of Hippocrates
Screening each officer for impurity
Investigating ancestry for generations
Nordic and Germanic humans are prefered
For breeding the racial elite
Medical examination to prohibit degenerate offspring
Commissioning laws to prevent interracial marriage
Protect the German blood and honour
for this creates the future
Ancestral Heritage Society
Dispose of the impure
Compulsory sterilization of the mentally weak
The alcoholic, the insane and the unpurged
Obeying eugenic laws. Influence the breeding.
Invalidate the Oath of Hippocrates