Welcome to the wax museum
Pure beauty you will see here
Glazed with wax their faces are
so flawlessly ideal
No emotions line their faces
There's no age, no sex, no races
So alike you can't tell
One face from the rest
Can you see there's no reason
For being any different
From the rest of us?
See how good we are
But what would happen in one day
Wax from our faces melt away?
Could it melt away?
Would it melt away?
Welcome to the wax museum
Where no hopes or dreams are needed
They have nothing to believe
In or to fear
Wax-sealed ears can hear no prayers
Eyes are blind to see the beggars
And their throats are choked up
With words they'd never spare
Can you see there's no reason
For being any different
From the rest of us?
See how good we are
But what would happen
If one day
Wax from our faces melt away?
Could it melt away?
Would it melt away?
And all they feel
Is that there's nothing out there worth being felt
And it's dawned on me
Strike up rebellion I don't wanna be like them