Oh, my Lord, My sins are like the highest mountain; My good deeds are very few They’re like a small pebble. I turn to You, My heart full of shame,my eyes full of tears. Bestow Your forgiveness and mercy upon me.
Господь мой, Мои грехи словно самая высокая гора, А добрых деяний так мало, что они похожи на мелкую гальку. Я обращаюсь к Тебе, С сердцем, полным стыда, и глазами, полными слез. Снизошли мне Твоё прощение и сострадание...
Oh, my Lord, My sins are like the highest mountain; My good deeds are very few They’re like a small pebble. I turn to You, My heart full of shame, my eyes full of tears. Bestow Your forgiveness and mercy upon me.
My lord, My sins are like the highest mountain And there are so few good deeds that they look like small pebbles. I turn to You With a heart full of shame and eyes full of tears. Desolate me Your forgiveness and compassion ...