Голос 1: Sir, there's a Class-D outside the elevator to Gate B. Should we send someone in to get him? (Сэр, вне лифта у Выхода B находится сотрудник класса D. Надо ли нам послать кого-нибудь захватить его?)
Голос 2: He might have some useful information about what's going on in there. I'll call- (Он может знать полезную информацию о том, что здесь происходит. Я позвоню...)
Голос 1: Never mind sir. It looks like 173 already took care of him. (Не беспокойтесь, сэр. Похоже, 173-ий уже позаботился о нём)
Voice 1: Sir, There's alass-d Outside The Elevator to Gate B. Should We Send Someone in to Get Him? (Sir, outside the elevator at the exit B is a class D employee. Do we need to send someone to grab it?)
Voice 2: He Might Have Some Useful Information About What's Going On In There. I'll Call- (he can know useful information about what is happening here. I'll call ...)
Voice 1: Never Mind Sir. IT LOOKS LIKE 173 ALREADY TOOK CARE OF HIM. (Do not worry, sir. It seems, 173-I have already taken care of him)