Baby I run out of thoughts,
I can't concentrate on any more words.
I wrote my name on my hand
As I wander through your wonderland
How many kisses can make a body glow?
How do I come to know?
And you are so demanding,
Exhausting and expanding,
I have lost my address and keys,
All I ask is please,
Baby, you make me go,
I beg you so.
In the dark you were so friendly
As we played a little thought control.
When dawn broke in unwanted, gently,
You were the one I loved the most
I saw a tree with not a single leaf
And you move silent like a thief
Who wants to steal a soul
And keep it in a secret hole
You bury me deeper
Where all light has come to an end
And I am getting weaker
It is the poison in my hand
And it is in my blood and in my veins
In every cell, in my body streams,
Je suis malade, I feel sick
From the poison I am living on