The morning lights
Are burning eyes in fire
And salty ground
Is slowly rotting in your mouth
So hard to breath
You wake up in the forest
Your body seized
Chambered in the hands ground
Deep in the woods
They dig grave for madman
And left him in
Waiting for the slowly death
Silence was whispering
This is the treachery
You want to remember what happened that night
The Horrible visions of people who died
With soldiers in black
Covered by night
You led them to set
The law of your might
No mercy for people
We'll burn all their homes
And Ice on their graves
Will be warning for all
The women cried
Hiding their children
You wanted blood
Payments for the rebel thoughts
In burning homes
They all will be buried
And rebel men
Will adorn ruins with their heads
But in the hearts
Of your loyal soldiers
Was borning questions
Fear in the eyes
And order was broken
By kind hearted troops
Execute all the traitors
Your will was unmoved
Their tears slowly running
Down on the brows
On inverted crosses
They met with you dawn