oh,row, the rattlin' bog, The bog down in the valley-o. The rare bog the rattlin' bog, The bog down in the valley-o.
Well in the bog there was a hole, A rare hole a rattlin' hole, And the hole in the bog, And the bog down in the valley-o.
Well in that hole there was a tree, A rare tree and a rattlin' tree, And the tree in the hole, And the hole in the bog, And the bog down in the valley-o.
On that tree there was a branch, A rare branch and a rattlin' branch, And the branch on the tree, And the tree in the hole, And the hole in the bog, And the bog down in the valley-o.
On that branch there was a limb, A rare limb a rattlin' limb, And the limb on the branch, And the branch on the tree, And the tree in the hole, And the hole in the bog, And the bog down in the valley-o.
Well on that limb there was a nest, A rare nest a rattlin' nest, And the nest on the limb, And the limb on the branch, And the branch on the tree, And the tree in the hole, And the hole in the bog, And the bog down in the valley-o.
Now in that nest there was an egg, A rare egg a rattlin' egg, And the egg in the nest, And the nest on the limb, And the limb on the branch, And the branch on the tree, And the tree in the hole, And the hole in the bog, down in the valley-o.
In that egg there was a bird, A rare bird a rattlin' bird, And the bird in the egg, And the egg in the nest, And the nest on the limb, And the limb on the branch, And the branch on the tree, And the tree in the hole, And the hole in the bog, And the bog down in the valley-o.
On that bird there was a feather, A rare feather rattlin' feather, And the feather on the bird, And the bird in the egg, And the egg in the nest, And the nest on the limb, And the limb on the branch, And the branch on the tree, And the tree in the hole, And the hole in the bog, And the bog down in the valley-o.
On that feather there was a worm, A rare worm a rattlin' worm, And the worm on the feather, And the feather on the bird, And the bird in the egg, And the egg in the nest, And the nest on the limb, And the limb on the branch, And the branch on the tree, And the tree in the hole, And the hole in the bog, And the bog down in the valley-o.
On that worm there was a hair, A rare hair a rattlin' hair, And the hair on the worm, And the worm on the feather, And the feather on the bird, And the bird in the egg, And the egg in the nest, And the nest on the limb, And the limb on the branch, And the branch on the tree, And the tree in the hole, And the hole in the bog, And the bog down in the valley-o.
On that hair there was a louse A rare louse a rattlin' louse, And the louse on the hair, And the hair on the worm, And the worm on the feather, And the feather on the bird, And the bird in the egg, And the egg in the nest, And the nest on the limb, And the limb on the branch, And the branch on the tree, And the tree in the hole, And the hole in the bog, And the bog down in the valley-o.
On that louse there was a tick, A rare tick a rattlin' tick, And the tick on the louse, And the louse on the hair, And the hair on the worm, And the worm on the feather, And the feather on the bird, And the bird in the egg, And the egg in the nest, And the nest on the limb, And the limb on the branch, And the branch on the tree, And the tree in the hole, And the hole in the bog, And the bog down in the valley-o.
On that tick there was a whole nether universe!
Read more: The Irish Descendants - Rattlin' Bog Lyrics | MetroLyrics о, гребля, болото гремучей, Болото в долине-о. Редкое болото, гремучая болото, Болото в долине-о.
Ну в болоте дыра была, Редкая дыра, трещотка, И дыра в болоте, И болото в долине-о.
Ну в той норе было дерево, Редкое дерево и гремучее дерево, И дерево в яме, И дыра в болоте, И болото в долине-о.
На том дереве была ветка, Редкая ветка и ветвь гремучая, И ветка на дереве, И дерево в яме, И дыра в болоте, И болото в долине-о.
На той ветке была конечность, Редкая конечность, дребезжащая конечность, И конечность на ветке, И ветка на дереве, И дерево в яме, И дыра в болоте, И болото в долине-о.
Ну на той конечности было гнездо, Редкое гнездо, гнездо гремучей, И гнездо на конечности, И конечность на ветке, И ветка на дереве, И дерево в яме, И дыра в болоте, И болото в долине-о.
Теперь в том гнезде было яйцо, Редкое яйцо, гремучее яйцо, И яйцо в гнезде, И гнездо на конечности, И конечность на ветке, И ветка на дереве, И дерево в яме, И дыра в болоте, внизу в долине-о.
В том яйце была птица, Редкая птица гремучая птица, И птичка в яйце, И яйцо в гнезде, И гнездо на конечности, И конечность на ветке, И ветка на дереве, И дерево в яме, И дыра в болоте, И болото в долине-о.
На той птице было перо, Редкое перо гремящее перо, И перо на птице, И птичка в яйце, И яйцо в гнезде, И гнездо на конечности, И конечность на ветке, И ветка на дереве, И дерево в яме, И дыра в болоте, И болото в долине-о.
На этом перышке был червь, Редкий червь, гремучий червь, И червяк на перышке, И перо на птице, И птичка в яйце, И яйцо в гнезде, И гнездо на конечности, И конечность на ветке, И ветка на дереве, И дерево в яме, И дыра в болоте, И болото в долине-о.
На червяке был волос, Редкие волосы, гремучие волосы, И волосы на червяке, И червяк на перышке, И перо на птице, И птичка в яйце, И яйцо в гнезде, И гнездо на конечности, И конечность на ветке, И ветка на дереве, И дерево в яме, И дыра в болоте, И болото в долине-о.
На этих волосах была вошь Редкая вошь, гремучая вошь, И вошь на волосах, И волосы на червяке, И червяк на перышке, И перо на птице, И птичка в яйце, И яйцо в гнезде, И гнездо на конечности, И конечность на ветке, И ветка на дереве, И дерево в яме, И дыра в болоте, И болото в долине-о.
На этой вошь был клещ, Редкий клещ гремучий клещ, И клещ на вошь, И вошь на волосах, И волосы на червяке, И червяк на перышке, И перо на птице, И птичка в яйце, И яйцо в гнезде, И гнездо на конечности, И конечность на ветке, И ветка на дереве, И дерево в яме, И дыра в болоте, И болото в долине-о.
На этом тике была целая нижняя вселенная!
Подробнее: The Irish Descendants - Rattlin 'Bog Тексты песен | MetroLyrics | |