Why did I listen to that music?
It's made me feel so sad
and brought it home to me once more
I want what I cannot have
When you can't get what you want
you still have all the rest
but isn't it sad to settle for second-best?
I've been waiting at home
for someone to phone
I didn't get where I am today
without living that old cliche
I've been lying in bed
the sheets over my head
I didn't get where I am today
without giving up in dismay
Told everyone I'm over it
I've quit this cul-de-sac
But just when I thought
I'd lost it for good
that feeling comes right back
When you can't get what you want
you wear your bravest face
but deep inside you're sinking without a trace
I've been called repressed
a poet, a pest
I didn't get where I am today
without getting in someone's way
I live my life on a stage
put it down on the page
I didn't get where I am today
without writing a resume
I didn't get where I am today
I didn't get where I am today
I didn't get where I am today
I've explored situations
the themes and variations
I didn't get where I am today
without losing it on the way
On the Street of Shame
looking for someone to blame
I didn't get where I am today
without leaving in disarray
I didn't get where I am today