I ask you Please, just stop and hear me
Have you ever thought about it before?
Everywhere is war and everywhere is death
But all the problems will become more.
I really hope that you will understand me
Your son will come out and kill a man
Just because you gave him too little love
You can fix it now. Please, understand.
Whoever you have been, whatever you have done
You can always forget it all and start again.
Your child will die in war, just listen to me,
'cause someone didn't like the leaders' tie
Your son will loose leg or may he'll loose his life
There is nothing you can do and you will cry
You stand and watch, unable to understand me
Don't go away, I want my words to touched your heart
Just love all around, Don't leave on the world's wound
You could never love, but you always can start.
Whoever you have been, whatever you have done
You can always forget it all and start again.