Am I the straight beam or am I reflected one? Define it!
I'm overflowing wider than thought and farther than light.
Rivers gliding past into Ocean-Always
Spread the news of World-appearing-every-moment.
Here it's impossible to feast your eyes with grey earthly shadows.
Thou, having glanced beyond the bounds of Being!
Where are your eyes and where are your hands while you are penetrating
Into a dance of bonfire, feast of man, bird and beast?
When I'm filled with lymph and blood of the New Universum,
When heat death of entity and substance falling into gloom
Disclose my destiny in the crowd of strange constellations
I shall become the Master, Creator, my Self.
And elevating my new body onto Pleiades, Alcyone,
Flowing with shallow streams of Universal Soul...
Fire flies upwards, a sunbeam flies down. I am their meeting.
Initial drop of New Cosmos...