I keep a close watch on this heart of mine. Я не спускаю с моей любимой глаз, I keep my eyes wide open all the time. Я не смыкаю глаз ни на секунду, I keep the ends out for the tie that binds. Я дорожу узами, что нас соединяют… Because you're mine, I walk the line. Поскольку ты моя, я стараюсь быть безупречным…
I find it very, very easy to be true. Мне очень легко быть преданным, I find myself alone when each day is through. На закате дня я всегда в одиночестве. Yes, I'll admit that I'm a fool for you. Да, признаю, я испытываю сильные чувства к тебе. Because you're mine, I walk the line. Поскольку ты моя, я стараюсь быть безупречным…
As sure as night is dark and day is light. Как верно то, что ночь темна, день светел, I keep you on my mind both day and night. Так и я думаю о тебе дни напролёт. And happiness I've known proves that it's right Счастье, что я познал, доказывает, всё правильно - Because you're mine, I walk the line. Поскольку ты моя, я стараюсь быть безупречным…
You've got a way to keep me on your side. У тебя есть способ удержать меня рядом с собой, You give me cause for love that I can't hide. Ведь ты даёшь повод для любви, которую я не в силах скрыть. For you I know I'd even try to turn the tide. Ради тебя, я знаю, что попытался бы даже переломить ситуацию. Because you're mine, I walk the line. Поскольку ты моя, я стараюсь быть безупречным… I Keep a Close Watch On This Heart Of Mine. I do not descend with my favorite eye, I Keep My Eyes Wide Open All The Time. I do not wash the eye for a second, I Keep The Ends Out for the Tie That Binds. I raise the uzami that we are connected ... Because You're Mine, I Walk The Line. As you are mine, I try to be impeccable ...
I Find It Very, Very Easy To Be True. I am very easy to be devoted, I Find MySelf Alone When Each Day Is Through. At sunset, I am always alone. Yes, I'll Admit That I'm a Fool for You. Yes, I admit, I feel strong feelings for you. Because You're Mine, I Walk The Line. As you are mine, I try to be impeccable ...
AS SURE AS NIGHT IS DARK AND DAY IS LIGHT. As it is true that the night is dark, day leveled, I Keep You on My Mind Both Day and Night. So I think about you for days. And Happy I'Ve Known Proves That It's Right Happiness that I learned, proves everything right - Because You're Mine, I Walk The Line. As you are mine, I try to be impeccable ...
You've Got A Way to Keep Me On Your Side. You have a way to keep me with you, You Give Me Cause for Love That I Can't Hide. After all, you give a reason for love, which I cannot hide. For You I know the i'd Even Try to Turn the Tide. For you, I know that I would even try to reverse the situation. Because You're Mine, I Walk The Line. As you are mine, I try to be impeccable ... Смотрите также: | |