The human drove the veil of obscurantism
Exalting and chanting the corporeal goods
The Renaissance's Epoch of Illuminism
Entered into their saint rights
"L'histoire n'est rien mais comme une image de crime...
Image de crime et de malheur."
The culture's gained new breath
Fine art's become a lewd
Cognoscenti's newborn wealth
Bore free thinking to the brood
Have the courage to use your mind! -
Such is therefore to shine a light
The motto of Illuminism -
Sapere Aude
Voltaire, Da Vinci, Lomonosov
Kant, Byron and de Bergerac
Beethoven, Mozart, Bach and Goethe:
The glory of the human kind
...and let the light of the mind flow!
"L'histoire n'est rien mais comme une image de crime...
Image de crime et de malheur."