In Memory of Rasikanama Prabhu.
Hare Krsna...
The stars were rain-falling from the sky
The corns were sipping them, welcoming the souls
The souls were singing the songs about God
The souls were almost demigods
But the time has come and the time has said that time is behind time and finished
And was sending souls back to God to whom they were singing sweetly
Hare Krsna...
Mint sounds, sweet songs
There were fun and singing together
Kind people were welcoming with bread
And were seeing them of with the tears
But the time has come and the time has said that time is behind time and finished
And was sending souls back to God to whom they were singing sweetly
Hare Krsna...
(1)+(2 up to "And were seeing him of with the tears")
seeing off not "of" ))
Памяти Расиканамы Прабху.
Харе Кришна ...
Звезды падали с неба под дождем
Мозоли потягивали их, приветствуя души
Души пели песни о Боге
Души были почти полубогами
Но время пришло, и время сказало, что время отстало и закончено
И посылал души обратно к Богу, которому они сладко пели
Харе Кришна ...
Звуки мяты, сладкие песни
Было весело и пели вместе
Добрые люди приветствовали хлебом
И видели их со слезами
Но время пришло, и время сказало, что время отстало и закончено
И посылал души обратно к Богу, которому они сладко пели
Харе Кришна ...
(1) + (2 до "И видели его со слезами")
провожая не "оф"))