- романтический танец ( Е. Дога из к/ф "Мой ласковый и нежный зверь" )
- звук перехода отсутсвует, без паузы ;
- Bob Sinclar - "Rock This Party Everybody Dance Now";
- Bill Haley - "Rock-n-Roll "
- Duck Sauce - "Barbara Streisand"(mix)
- и на финал продолжение "Мой ласковый и нежный зверь"
- romantic dance (E. Doga from the movie "My affectionate and gentle animal")
- there is no transition sound, no pause;
- Bob Sinclar - "Rock This Party Everybody Dance Now";
- Bill Haley - "Rock-n-Roll"
- Duck Sauce - "Barbara Streisand" (mix)
- and for the final, the continuation of "My affectionate and gentle animal"