i guess people have to be decapitated
where is that childish mythical thinking - we never relate it to something - we only betray it, evaluate it.
suicidal crowds of crows eating each others guts,
aint got no time for thinking - everything is undercontroled, but overarosed
samurais path is no longer logical - tortured soul is new hit - lets reclaim, thats too cool
its freezing. over the mindmap, over the humannet, over the whole being.
be childish and chillish - dont lean on it.
we dont need it
dusty bodies lapped like nascar with own sloth
ur naming the parts of the body, but its actually cloth
avalanches of lava among stupidity as a main flavour
for our world
sadness, depression, all insingnifgicant features of life that we tryna invert
never letting us go, we only get stuck and wheelwhirled
in the simpliest flow
get a pasty smile, get a nasty style that u used to ungrow
be the clumsiest one that the world would have know.
thats b e a u t ful!