Dağda kızıl ot biter
İçinde keklik öter
Eşkıyadan da beter
Uslan be Halil İbrahim
Kıvırcık saçlarına
Kar düşmüş uçlarına
Dağın yamaçlarına
Yaslan be Halil İbrahim
Müfreze dağı sarar
Dağda kaçaklar arar
Geçit vermez kayalar
Hızlan be Halil İbrahim
Derede su durulur
Dal köprüler kurulur
Elli yerine vurulur
Aslan be Halil İbrahim
red herb grows on the mountain
partridges sing in it
worse than a brigand
settle down, o halil ibrahim
your curly hair
snow fell its ends
against the slopes of the mountain
lean, o halil ibrahim
troops siege the mountain
they search for fugitives in the mountain
the rocks don't yield passage
be quick, o halil ibrahim
water in the brook is clear
bridges of wood are built on it
he is struck fifty times
lion, o halil ibrahim