What if I die
What will be next
What if you don't
Remember that?
Who will be next
Who'll be with you
Who'll pay for your
Vices and sins?
You said goodbye
And you closed my eyes
You ripped out my heart
Out of my chest
This is the end
I'm fuckin dead
You said goodbye
To everything
Our river has polluted
The air we can no longer breathe
Finally we stopped it
And you will never deceive
Our voices are forgotten
You've let me down again
And now i feel so broken
in able to feel pain
You Really think those things forgotten?
Our bridges burned, and we can't stop it
The deepest ocean is between us
I know we feel the same emotions
What if you die
What will be next
What if i don't
Remember you?
It's like a dream
A perfect dream
You leave my soul
And leave my mind
Who'll be with me
Who will be next
Who'll try to play
With me again
I've tasted blood
The Blood on my hands
I've had to kill you
This is the end
Our river has polluted
The air we can no longer breathe
The decadence is falling
Between you and me