كلّ ما قلبي عم ينبض و بعزّي
As long as my heart beats, I promise
بتبقي ملكة و ما بقبل تنهزّي
You'll stay the queen, and I wont let it be shaken
شغلي و سهري و تعبي عشانك
My work and late nights and tiredness are for you
عندي فيهن لذّة
I have in them a sweetness (in doing it for you)
نحنا ما عنّا بنات تتوظّف بشهادتها
We dont have girls that go work with their degrees
عنّا البنت بتدلّل كلّ شي بيجي لخدمتها
We have girls that are spoilt, everything comes for her service
شغلك قلبي و عاطفتي و حناني
Your work is my heart, emotions and tenderness
مش رح تفضي لَ أيّ شي تاني
You wont have time for anything else
بيكفّي إنّك رئيسة جمهوريّة قلبي
Its enough that you are the president of the Republic of my Heart
شيلي الفكرة من بالك أحلالك
Take the thought out of your mind, its better for you
ليش بتجيبي المشاكل لحالك
Why do you bring problems to yourself
تَ نفرض بقبل تشتغلي
Lets say I agree to let you work
شو منعمل بجمالك
What are we going to do with your beauty?
بكرا المدير بيعشق و بيتحرّك إحساسو
Tomorrow the boss will fall in love and his feelings will change
و طبيعي إنّي إنزل هدّ الشّركة عَ راسو
And naturally Ill have to go break down his company over his head
شغلك قلبي و عاطفتي و حناني
Your job is my heart and emotions and tenderness
مش رح تفضي لَ أيّ شي تاني
You wont have time for anything else
بيكفّي إنّك رئيسة جمهوريّة قلبي
Its enough that you are the president of the Republic of my Heart
حقوق المرأة عَ عيني و عَ راسي