Lisa bitkhaf min elforaa law tigi sirti
Law shoft eini tibki hatdamaa eineik
Yaani soti beyowhashak law shoft sorti
Bithis beya habibi lama bahis beek
Meen beyakhod balo minak baad mini
Fi hodn mein bithis ehsasak fi hodni
Mish aasdi haga ana bas batamin aleik
habeit asalim aamil eih aslak wahishni
Lisa bitkhaf min elforaa law tigi sirti
Law shoft eini tibki hatdamaa eineik
You still fear separation when i get mentioned!
If you see my eyes crying, your eyes will tear too
so do you miss my voice if you see my picture?!
You feel me, my love, when I feel you
who is taking care of you after me!!
In whom lap"hug" you feel same feeling you feel in mine.
I don’t mean anything, im just checking up on you
I just wanted to greet you, what can i do, i am so much missing you
You still fear separation when i get mentioned!
If you see my eyes crying, your eyes will tear too