When the deed needs done, who’s the only one?
That’s the kinda guy that can bring a knife to a gun fight and win.
He’s so rebellious that he’d make James Dean jealous.
You’ll find his name in the classifieds under man
That don’t take no jive.
It says
Have blade will travel. Professional with competitive rates.
Just call 1-800-Johnny Switchblade.
And he’ll come whistling Dixie all the way from Mississippi
In his chopped 54 Ford running a switchblade comb through his jet black hair.
Whistling Dixie all the way from Mississippi
And he’s not headed back home till the job is done and a man’s left dead.
Sweet and clean, skin the cat, Columbian necktie, different rates apply.
He’s got bravada that shames Eric Estrada.
You’ll find his name in the classifieds under man
That don’t take no jive.
It says
Have blade will travel. Professional with competitive rates.
Just call 1-800-Johnny Switchblade.
And he’ll come whistling Dixie all the way from Mississippi
In his chopped 54 Ford running a switchblade comb through his jet black hair.
Whistling Dixie all the way from Mississippi
And he’s not headed back home till the job is done and a man’s left dead.