I'd like to use this time
to generate a rule;
a fundemental clue
that offers nothing new.
My ambiguity
can often be confused
as bitter jealousy.
Suffice to say not true.
But who am I to say
that I dont come across
in quite an obtuse way
I'll leave it up to you
I never seemed too much
to take advice from books
I see you've lost your soul
At least you've got your looks.
*Say, you're not quite right
its all inside
You're too contrived
We feel left ot
Say i've got two mindsI'm crew not kind
I hope you like the fact you're right.*
I find it funny how
we made story up
about our hounting past
just to peel opur fuit
It makes no difference how
the afternoons would run
I often feel the same
no matter what we've said or done
And yet you have the gaull
to change your weakest hand
in an effort too
take th safer stance
It never seemed too much
to take advice from books
and see you've lost your soul
and now you've lost your looks.
*Say you're not quite sure
I'm not that right
You're left confused
Now i'm contrived
Waiting for my mind
Two mistakes.
Just two mistakes.*
You're lost and you grow up.
So long as someone is there
you lose everything that..
They died just for your lives
and I shll grow old.
Dont hurt- I have just said
'oh half of just a gram
of sheer dispair
and I dont know...'
I dont know.