Зацвела в саду сирень, Зацвела в саду сирень, Зацвела в саду сирень, Зацвела в саду сирень, Лоботомия! Лоботомия! Лоботомия! Лоботомия!
The wind swirling in the field The wind swirling in the field The wind swirling in the field The wind swirling in the field. Lobotomy! Lobotomy! Lobotomy! Lobotomy!
The late rain scared The late rain scared The late rain scared The late rain scared Lobotomy! Lobotomy! Lobotomy! Lobotomy!
The lilac blossomed in the garden The lilac blossomed in the garden The lilac blossomed in the garden The lilac blossomed in the garden Lobotomy! Lobotomy! Lobotomy! Lobotomy!