very sad vecherinka
people are bulki
where are the telki
i need to kolbasitsa
to otorvatsa
to veselitsa
this lady’s building mne glazki
but where are the tanzy
where are the plyaski
i don’t need your vnimanie
if we're not tanzuem
this is your zadanie
let’s go, nu-ka
you need to jump like suka
i need your sila duxa
for this crazy shtuka
it enters bez stuka
inside your uho
attention! vnimanie!
time to catch your dyhanie
it’s just a nachalo
you get ponimanie
don’t you sit na divane
don’t you tell you zanyat
it’s like an examen
come on, go to k uspexy
let’s start the fire on this diskoteka
this mic is on, ya pochekal
i’m from russia, where is mnogo snega
we need to kolbasitsa
to otorvatsa
to veselitsa
and the break is zakonchen
wanna party like ochen-ochen