Busa le lizwe bo. Rule this land.
Busa le lizwe bo. Rule this land.
Busa lomhlaba wethu. Rule this land of ours.
Busa ngo xolo. Rule with peace.
(Repeat Chorus)
Lebo M:
Shwele baba. Hail to you, Father.
Siyakubongela. We are grateful to you.
Usi lethel' injabulo. You brought us happiness.
Noxolo. And peace.
Shwele baba. Hail to you, Father.
Siyakubongela. We are grateful to you.
Liqhakazise baba Brighten our future
Ngo thando. With love.
(Repeat Chorus)
Lebo M:
Bayede baba. Father, we salute you.
Sikhokhele bo. Lead us.
Busa lomhlaba Rule this land
Ngo thando. With love.
Lebo M and Chorus:
Busa ngo thando. Rule with love.
Busa ngo thando. Rule with love.
Busa ngo thando. Rule with love.
Busa ngo xolo. Rule with peace.
(Repeat Chorus)
Lebo M and Chorus:
Ubuse ngo thando. You must rule with love.
Ubuse ngo xolo. You must rule with peace.
Ubuse ngo thando. You must rule with love.
Busa Simba, busa Simba. Rule Simba, rule Simba.
African Chant:
Hemna iyo.
Hemna iyo.
Hemna nkosi.
Lebo M and Chorus:
Oh busa Simba iyo. Rule Simba.
Vusa amakhosi. Wake the ancestors.
Vusa amdlozi bo. Wake the spirits.
Busa Simba iyo. Rule Simba.