El Eliyahu El Eliyahu / [Bizchut] Eliyahu HaNavi haveh na
Bo yirtom richbo / Na bashevi ki bo
Lo shachav libo / Gam lo ra’ah shenah
Rav machli bir’ot / Kach’shi u’msanot
yafot u’vriot / Bassar vatirena
Hashkeh tzur mei rosh / Tzar einav yiltosh
yom einai likdosh / Yisrael tish’ena
Matai tar’eh ot / Yesha el kor’ot
Lacha u’lecha nos’ot / Kolan vativkena [vatarona]
Hamalach hago’el / Lifnei dal sho’el
Ana haEl El / Avraham hakreh na
He will lead his chariot / restless in captivity
His heart did not rest / nor envision sleep
My illness grows as I see / my leanness while my enemies
Are beautiful fat-fleshed / and graze
Our Rock, give them poisonous water / while the enemy shall glare
My eyes to the Holy One / of Israel will be raised
When will You give a sign / of redemption to those who call out
To You, O to You they raise / their voices and weep
Angel of Deliverance / come before this poor seeker
O Lord, God of / Abraham call him forth