Nearly every inch of us on the line
Plucking on the string of everything that could have been
Search and rescue treasured fractals of our lives
Tham ja murh ja naseeba
Kahaan le aaye nasseba
If you move like lightning charging through the angry sky
And intercept on the arrow of time
Well we just might make this out with our heads held high
So this story continues with minds without fear
Baadal lehraaye maat ka ja
Ban jaa bijli badaal ko cheer tu
Roo ko kar de yun roshan
Bas mushqil tai naamumkin taoh nahi
Ban jaa bijli naseeba
Kahaan le aaye nasseeba
If you move like lightning charging through the angry sky
And intercept on the arrow of time
Well we just might make this out with our heads held high
So this story continues with minds without fear
Jhi jhi re jhi jhi re hi jhi re hi jhi re hi jhi
re hi jhi re jhi!
Turn in to the brightness within us
Become, reveal and expand
Whizz past the visible universe
Come on!
Kahaan le aaye naseeba
If you move like lightning charging through the angry sky
And intercept on the arrow of time
Well we just might make this out with our heads held high
So this story continues with… minds without fear