SpeedQH / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 10 Minutes SpeedQH is the QuickHit version of our Speed dose. It is designed to give you optimum effects in the least amount of time. Expect increased energy and alertness, a decreased need for sleep, euphoria, increased sexuality, and visual & auditory hallucinations.
SpeedQH / Места отдыха (ОЧЕНЬ СИЛЬНАЯ) / 10 Минут SpeedQH это версия QuickHit нашей дозы Speed. Он предназначен, чтобы дать Вам оптимальные эффекты в наименьшее количество времени. Ожидать увеличение энергии и бдительности, сниженную потребность во сне, эйфория, повышенная сексуальность, и визуальные и слуховые галлюцинации.
Speedqh / Recreational (Very Strong) / 10 Minutes Speed Qh Is The Quickhit Version of Our Speed Dose. IT Is Designed to Give You Optimum Effects in the Least Amount of Time. Expect Increased Energy and Alertness, A Decreased Need For Sleep, Euphoria, Increased Sexuality, And Visual & Auditory Hallucinations.
Speedqh / Rest sites (very strong) / 10 minutes Speedqh This is a QuickHit version of our dose Speed. It is intended to give you the optimal effects in the least amount of time. Expect an increase in energy and vigilance, reduced need in a dream, euphoria, increased sexuality, and visual and auditory hallucinations.