A father with his daughter and a falcon overhead
Could have sailed on by but stopped for me instead
The flag they bear so high with pride
Their cause like mine is dignified
They flee from reign of kings unjust
Whos many years of ruling has brought us much mistrust
So to the open sea they sailed
Where few with crimson flags prevail
They welcomed me with open arms
No longer a need to feel alarmed
We are but two, supplied for three
And could use the help in these times of need
There's been word of a meeting place
For those who need to hide their face
So let's set sail and point our bow
Our time is short, we must hurry now
Take flight our falcon guide
Show us the way and we'll be by your side
In three days or maybe four
We'll reunite with our friends ashore
Provisions to stock and plans we must make
As swift as we can, so let's make haste
We must take back what is rightfully ours
And overthrow these wicked powers