Over the mountains and the sea, Your river runs with love for me, and I will open up my heart and let the Healer set me free. I'm happy to be in the truth, and I will daily lift my hands: for I will always sing of when Your love came down. [Yeah!]
I could sing of Your love forever, I could sing of Your love forever, I could sing of Your love forever, I could sing of Your love forever. [Repeat]
Oh, I feel like dancing - it's foolishness I know; but, when the world has seen the light, they will dance with joy, like we're dancing now.
Через горы и моря Твоей любви река течет, Открою сердце для тебя- И исцеление придет. Я счастлив в истине твоей, К тебе я руки вознесу Я буду вечно петь о любви Твоей
Буду петь о любви Твоей (4р.)
Буду танцевать я Прославлять Тебя Мир увидит свет любви, вознесет хвалу до небес Тебе
Святый Ты, Господь(8 р.)
Твоя любов-немов ріка, Як височінь могутніх гір, Здійму до Тебе я свій зір І заспіваю Тобі До мого серця доторкнись, Відчути хочу цю любов, Нехай Твій Дух Святий зійде Й наповнит серце знов.
Про Твою любов співаю, Хай мій спів звідусіль лунає, Кожне серце нехай пізнає, Що любов Твоя не минає.
Буду я співати, пісню цю Тобі, Хай весь світ побачить і несе хвалу До небес Тобі.
СвятийТи, Господь (8 р.) Over the mountains and the sea, Your river runs with love for me, and I will open up my heart and let the Healer set me free. I'm happy to be in the truth, and I will daily lift my hands: for I will always sing of when Your love came down. [Yeah!]
I could sing of Your love forever, I could sing of Your love forever, I could sing of Your love forever, I could sing of Your love forever. [Repeat]
Oh, I feel like dancing - it's foolishness I know; but, when the world has seen the light, they will dance with joy, like we're dancing now.
Through mountains and seas The river flows for your love I will open my heart for you And healing will come. I am happy in your truth, I will raise my hands to you I will sing about Your love forever
I will sing about Your love (4p.)
I will dance Glorify you The world will see the light of love, praise you to heaven
Holy You, Lord (8 p.)
Your love is dumb Rika, Yak visochin cannіkh gir, Let me be with you I sleep up Tobi Touch my heart, I want to see love, Come on, Thy Spirit of Saints zide Y will remind the heart of knowledge.
I sleep about Your love, Hi my spiv starry moon, Skin your heart, do not know, Thy love is not mineє.
I will sleep I write tsyu Tobi, Hai all light to beat and do not praise To the heavens Tobi.
Saints Ti, Lord (8 r.) Смотрите также: | |